Maria Pallavicini
2019–2020 (Interim)
Dr. Maria Pallavicini

Pallavicini, Pacific’s Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, 在寻找大学新校长的过程中担任临时校长, 在COVID-19大流行开始之后,太平洋地区迅速过渡到远程学习和工作.

Dr. Pamela Eibeck
2009–2019 (President Emeritus)
Dr. Pamela Eibeck

Dr. Pamela A. Eibeck served as University of the Pacific's 24th president. Under her leadership, Pacific began to implement a bold vision to become a leading, student-centered university in Northern California.

Dr. Donald V. DeRosa
1995–2009 (President Emeritus)
Dr. Donald V. DeRosa

Dr. Donald V. DeRosa was University of the Pacific's 23rd president. During his tenure at Pacific, Dr. DeRosa led the creation of distinctive, nationally ranked programs, centers, and institutes, elevating the university's national visibility.

President Atchley
William Atchley

During his term as president, William Atchley emphasized diversity, 实行全面的财政改革,并强调教师的研究.

Hand, one of the university’s most respected scholars, 在斯坦利·麦卡弗里社长休假去担任国际扶轮社长期间,他担任了一年的临时职务. 汉德在哈佛大学担任的重要职务包括太平洋学院院长和学术副院长.

1981–1982 (Acting)
Clifford Hand
President McCaffrey
Stanley McCaffrey

President McCaffrey expanded the university’s footprint, 增加了对学生生活的重视,大大增加了入学率.

McCrone was academic vice president at Pacific from 1970 to 1974, and he took over briefly as interim president as Robert E. Burns dealt with health issues. 1974年,麦克龙被任命为洪堡州立大学校长,直到2001年退休.

1971 (Acting)
Alistair McCrone
President Burns
Robert E. Burns

罗伯特·伯恩斯以他的“要么开拓,要么灭亡”的座右铭改变了太平洋, 在过去的四分之一世纪里提高了大学的地位,并建立了一个以他的名字命名的标志性地标.

President Knoles
Tully C. Knoles

Tully C. Knoles re-located the university to Stockton, 帮助博彩平台网址大全度过了经济大萧条和第二次世界大战,并在一个有影响力的总统任期内提高了学术水平.

西顿于1914年被任命为校长,从一开始就面临着逆境。一场大火烧毁了学院的食堂,另一场大火烧毁了图书馆所在的大楼. More than 14,000 books were lost in the blaze. 西顿在筹款和招收学生方面非常积极, 但在他任职期间,还必须应对第一次世界大战的挑战.

John L. Seaton

Morris served in an interim role for eight months, 弥合了两位重要的太平洋总统之间的差距. Guth, who raised the scholastic stature of the school, and John L. Seaton, who helped put the college on firm financial footing.

1913–1914 (Acting)
Bert J. Morris

In 1908, 古斯被任命为博彩平台网址大全校长, which he advocated renaming to College of the Pacific. 他在这个职位上呆了五年,出版了四部书面作品. He left in 1913 to become president of Goucher College in Baltimore.

William W. Guth

在大学领导层努力寻找伊莱·麦克利什(Eli McClish)的继任者之际,克罗斯担任了很长一段时间的临时校长. 克罗斯是一名院长和古典文学教授,许多学生游说他担任校长, which did not happen.

1906–1908 (Acting)
M.S. Cross

McClish shepherded Pacific into a new century, 因为在纳帕学院关闭后,太平洋公司的大董事会(当时有36名成员)选择从纳帕聘请这位部长. Many of Napa College’s top students followed McClish to Pacific.

Eli McClish

比尔德被形容为一位“有前途”的总统,为太平洋公司制定了雄心勃勃的目标, 但由于与董事会的分歧,他在担任主席两年后突然辞职.

James N. Beard

索耶只担任了几个月的代理校长就回到了教室. 他是一名德语教授,深受太平洋学生的喜爱. 索耶参加了南北战争,并因此被截肢.

1893–1894 (Acting)
Wesley C. Sawyer

克鲁克在选择辞职前担任了不到两年的总统. 他成为俄亥俄州雅典市的俄亥俄大学校长,在那里任职三年.

Isaac Crook

赫斯特将所有学士学位标准化为四年制课程,这一举措受到了赞誉. 但在他担任校长的四年里,校园里发生了骚乱和抗议. 有一次,一半的学生签署了一份反对赫斯特的“不信任”备忘录. 有一些重要的教职员工离职,他们得到了太平洋校友的支持.

A.C. Hirst

斯特拉顿给太平洋带来了稳定,当时世界范围的经济衰退即将结束. One year into his decade-long tenure as president, 太平洋地区建立了一所音乐学院——密西西比河以西的第一所音乐学院. 他在学生和校友中很受欢迎,前教务长菲尔·吉尔伯森(Phil Gilbertson)的书中对他进行了描述 Pacific on the Rise as the most significant president prior to Tully C. Knoles.

C.C. Stratton

Gibbons, who previously had served two years as Pacific president, returned in 1872 — reluctantly, it was reported — to once again take over the school. He had been serving as a professor at Ohio University.

Alexander S. Gibbons

在Sinex的五年任期中,在圣何塞建立新校区的机会尤为突出. The 22–acre site was known as College Park. He also was in charge during discussion of the “California Idea,这是高等教育和州政府为增加全州学生入学率而进行的协调努力. Sinex resigned in 1872.

Thomas H. Sinex

班尼斯特是这所大学的创始人之一,他再次担任校长,而且任期更长. He led the university during the entirety of the Civil War. 他在第二次任职期间的八年服务为太平洋航空公司提供了连续性, at the time, was missing from the university’s governing board.

Edward Bannister

吉本斯是一名数学教授,是博彩平台网址大全最初的两名教员之一. 作为总裁,吉本斯曾经减薪50%,以帮助太平洋公司维持收支平衡. 他于1859年辞职,因为太平洋董事会不同意他的休假请求, 但他在1872年回到美国,又担任了5年总统.

Alexander S. Gibbons

Maclay was one of the first two faculty members at Pacific. He was a professor of Greek and Latin languages. 在太平洋的形成时期,他曾短暂担任过总统.

William J. Maclay

Briggs was a champion of civil rights, 主张废除奴隶制,支持黑人和华人社区. 在担任校长期间,他还寻求提高博彩平台网址大全女学生的地位. 他是加州州长和高等教育同事利兰·斯坦福的密友. 离任后,布里格斯断断续续地在太平洋银行董事会任职了30年.

Martin C. Briggs

班尼斯特是三位卫理公会牧师之一,他们是博彩平台网址大全的主要创始人. The others were Isaac Owen and William Taylor. The original Pacific charter was signed on July 10, 1851. When Bannister resigned in 1854, 他向大学董事会提交了一份奖学金计划,以筹集捐赠基金. 五年后,他再次回到太平洋公司担任总统.

Edward Bannister